Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Races: Who do you want to be today?

Time for some flavor.  Orison is heavily influenced by the four classical elements, water, earth, fire and wind.  Each of the four main races and their portion of the world is designed to reflect one of these elements.  Each of the four races have a capitol which is the center of their kingdom.  The four minor races have no capitol and their land is initially unclaimed by any kingdom.  In an example of a rubber band system, areas that are claimed by a kingdom, but have no political unit activity revert to unclaimed after a time.

Humans:  Water aspected, Humans have webbed hands and feet and gills running down their neck. They inhabit the northeast portion of Orison.  Bays, rivers, streams, and fjords dominate the landscape.  The human racial benefit is that they can breathe water for a short time, and so can remain underwater for twenty minutes before dying.

Dwarfs:  Earth aspected, Dwarves are short, powerfully built, and bearded.  They inhabit the southeast portion of Orison.  Mountains, caves, mountain valleys, and rocky slopes dominate their landscape.  The dwarf racial benefit is that they can detect traps automatically.

Ophidians:  Fire aspected, the body of an Ophidian does not separate into legs at the waist, but tapers into a long tail on which they slither.  They inhabit the southwest portion of Orison.  Lava flows, ash plains, dead lava tube systems, and sun-drenched farmland dominate the landscape.  The Ophidian racial benefit is that they are immune to fire damage.  Their racial drawback is that the characters only last one year real-time before they die of old age, never to return.  Ophidian villains and heroes are an exception to this rule.

Elves:  Wind aspected, tall, thin, and light, Elves can jump half again as high as other races.  They inhabit the northwest portion of Orison.  Tall old-growth forests, rolling hills, and spires of wind carved rock dominate the landscape.  The Elven racial benefit is that they move half again as fast as any other race over land.

Halflings:  Shorter than dwarves, and not as stocky.  Inhabiting the rolling hills of the north between the Elves and the Humans, the Halfling racial benefit is the ability to shed all agro and become invisible to NPCs once every 30 minutes.

Sartroni:  Taller still than the elves, but powerfully built.  Inhabiting the flat island off the eastern coast between the Human and Dwarven civilizations, the Sartroni racial benefit is that they have a 100 percent HP bonus.  Their racial drawback is that they will not wear the heavier armors.

Gnomes:  As short as the Halflings, but with straight hair, long noses ears and fingers.  Inhabiting the hidden island off the southern coast of the main continent of Orison, the Gnomish racial benefit is a 100 percent bonus to all crafting efforts.

Pteradons:  The lightest of all the races, lacking muscle except where their wings join to the middle of their back.  Inhabiting the craggy island of the west coast of Orison, the Pteradons have the ability to glide from one place to another.  Their physical abilities are blunted by one quarter.

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